Pink Floyd at Carnegie Hall – November 1971

In my Pink Floyd article published in July of 2012, I spoke of attending my first PF concert, which took place at Carnegie Hall in November of 1971.  It was a great concert experience, and the Meddle album had just been released at that time.

The day before the concert, I was at my friend Peter’s home listening to the album. Side one only as it turned out; Echoes took all of side two, and Peter had no patience to listen to it as it was just “too long.”  He played side one a bunch of times consecutively, being fascinated with One of These Days and SeamusThere was something about the dogs barking in the background on Seamus that really tickled his funny bone.

So when the band played Fearless in the middle of the first set, I recognized it immediately as it was fresh in my ears.

Somehow, the band playing Fearless that night has turned into a bit of an event for some fans. I do not know why.  It appears the band strayed from their set list for a bit that night, bringing Fearless out of the repertoire.

Maybe this is the first time in known history for a band to stray from their standard set list for a live performance, but somehow… I doubt it.

I have heard PF did not play Fearless live prior to that night at Carnegie Hall, and did not perform it live again. Ever.  I do not know if this is true or not. If it is the only time the band performed Fearless live in concert, I do not feel blessed or special for having been in the audience that long ago November evening.

I am just happy to have been there for the show; to see the band live prior to the release of Dark Side of the Moon; to see them perform one time, in all of their screaming glory (playing Careful with That Axe, Eugene prior to the intermission) before embarking on their years long road down into the AOR cesspool of minor chord mediocrity. 

I am grateful for the memory of this and many other shows I attended back in those days, including a pair of trips to the Fillmore East in the days prior to its closing.  Life is short enough as it is. Now being over 60, I keep the good memories close at hand.

Let’s all do the same.


March 31, 2016

New York City